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Showing where the nearest help is

Maps: Welcome

We make maps for community care and mental health awareness.

Our Mental Health AWHEREness PH (MHAPH) Map shows mental health services and their corresponding information one might need when seeking professional help for their mental health. We also encourage individuals to help contribute to the map and update information and provide feedback to these services in order to guide others.

Aside from the Mental Health aWHEREness Map, we also have the Mapping Emotions and Hear; Here Maps.

Maps: Text

Mapping Emotions

Our Stories Matter

This map encourages people to share their mental health stories to help increase mental health-related discourse and make mental health more visible. We want to let people know that no matter how young or old, how rich or poor, or WHEREever they are, they are not alone in their battles.

MAPPING our EMOTIONS can show that mental health occupies space and it matters. Through increased visibility, we can help fight the stigma and show the general public and policy-makers that mental health problems are more prevalent than they appear.

Read Mapped Emotions:

Read and Add your own story to Mapping Emotions:

Tweet about it: #MappingEmotions #MHaWHEREness

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Maps: About
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Here; Here

We're here to listen.

This map is for those who would be willing to listen to someone who is fighting a mental health battle and needs a friend. Anyone who is willing to listen may add their information here.

Who knows? Someone might see and say, “Oh, there’s someone near me who could understand what I’m going through…”

Read Messages:

Read and Add your own message to Hear; Here:

Tweet about it: #HearHere #MHaWHEREness

Maps: About

Hear; Here 2.0

From our previous Hear; Here Map which aims to show that we are here for each other as a way to provide community care, we now bring you a map where we can SHARE and LISTEN TO AUDIO messages of hope aiming to raise mental health awareness and lift up each others’ spirit!

Listen to our members’ messages on HEAR; Here 2.0 at and add yours too, to help us raise awareness on mental health and bring hope to others! 

Let’s show others that we are HERE to LISTEN and HEAR them out!


Maps: About

©2021 by Mental Health AWHEREness PH. Proudly created with

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